" /> Sax-yusuph

Hi, I am Sax

I am an awesome software Developer from Lagos.

Frontend Web

I build responsive web applications using modern frameworks


I write efficient RESTapis with Express Node, graphql, and also perform automation tests and web scraping with Puppeteer.


I am experienced in using Docker, kubernetes, AWS, GCP and building stable microservices.


Figma, Adobexd, canvas


I build secure apps using Typescript, nodejs, express, electronjs, Python.

Mobile Dev

I build cross platform native apps using react native and flutter.

about img

About Me

I am Sax Yusuph, a fullstack developer, that loves building opensource applications for the general developer society. I enjoy building interactive and superb UIs that are highly efficient, convenient and friendly to the users. I have 4+ yrs in web development especially JavaScript and Typescript and i have built projects during this period of time and i found it interesting.

I am also passionate about writing tech articles and technology including programming which are clearly open source.


Fullstack web development 90%
DevOps Tools [ Docker, Kubernetes, AWS elastic beanstalk ] 65%
Frontend Frameworks(React & Gatsby ) 80%
Backend (NODEJs) [Rest APIs, Web Scrapping, Electronjs] 85%
Version Control System [ GIT ] 85%
Databases [ MongoDb, MySql, SQLlite ] 90%
Check my Github repo

Recent Projects

I am happy spending my time on this projects